Marijuana Debunked
Ed Gogek, M.D.

Theresa May & Donald Trump won the same way

The June 8, 2017 British elec­tion has some­th­ing in com­mon with last year’s American elec­tion: the winn­er lost the popular vote and lost it by a similar amount.

14,636,679 votes — Con­ser­vatives, Uni­on­ist Part­ies, UKIP

16,913,451 votes — Labour, SNP, Li­ber­al Dems, Green, Plaid Cymru

The poten­ti­al Labour co­ali­tion out­polled the con­ser­vative co­ali­tion by 2,276,772 votes. That is similar to the numb­er of votes by which Hil­la­ry Clin­ton out­polled Donald Trump.

The poten­ti­al Labour co­ali­tion re­ceived 15.55 per­cent more votes than the con­ser­vatives. If the U.K. had a truly re­presen­tative of vot­ing, Jeremy Cor­byn would be the new Prime Minist­er. In the U.S., we made a big deal over Trump los­ing the popular vote while winn­ing the elec­tor­al col­lege. But what hap­pened in Britain is even more ex­treme.

For vote tot­als, go to

Ed Gogek

Ed Gogek

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